The Energy Masters I  Course
This class  gives you a set of basic skills that you can integrate into a professional, daily work-life style;  enabling you to transform yourself and create the kind of  life you have always wanted to have.  Increase your focus, concentration, effectiveness, peace of mind, to make real world tangible improvements in your life here and now, through grounding. 
Relieve stress, cleanse, energize, enrich, and be connected by running energy.  Become dynamically creative, develop new solutions, ideas and concepts by accessing your higher information and connect with your  Higher Self.  Be aware of opportunities and remove obstacles from your goal paths.  Neutralize the pressure and influence of Superiors, Clients, Family and Situations.

The Executive Advantage Course
Become Dynamically Successful.  Improve performance.  Create Oportunities.  Deal with Stress Competition and Uncertainty in an effective healthy manner.

Relationships Seminar
How to attract the right partner.  How to create a healthy positive relationship.  How to overcome issues and challenges.  How build strength and flexibility in your relationships.

Energy Masters II
This Class provides the student with further valuable and empowering skill sets and techniques dealing with:
Ownership of Power, Energy, Body, Space, and Higher Information
Chakras and the Chakra system
Growth Periods
Permission Levels
Accessing and Creating, Confidence; the powerful, enabling elixir
Free Will
Others’ Influence in your life and your aura:
Telling the Truth from Lies
Successfully dealing with invalidation
Body Images - Problem Body Areas
Morality and Responsibility

Learn how to create and bring in the things you need to have a happy, healthy, successful and physically and spiritually abundant and fulfilling life.  The Abundance class teaches specific usable, tangible techniques for manifesting and creating abundance; including material abundance, emotional and spiritual abundance, and an abundance of talent.

Are you a Healer?
You can be!
You can learn to heal yourself and others.  Everyone has the ability to channel healing energy.  Harness your most powerful healing potential.  In this exciting seminar/workshop learn how to:
Clean Auras, Clean , clear and balance chakras, Channel healing masters, Release pain, past life images and inhibiting patterns, De-energize negative images and stuck energy, Connect the spirit, mind and body, and Cleanse yourself of other people’s energy.
As a healer, you learn how to become a clear channel to help the person let go of their energy blocks.  At the same time, you get a healing through clearing and balancing your own life force energy.  You heal yourself and learn  more about who you are.

Learn to be a Clairvoyant.  Ask about the numerous and extensive Clairvoyant classes which include vast and effective spiritual techniques.  These classes include personal psychic development and energy shifting and reading skills.

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We are here for you!
* Metavision, its services, counseling, tools and classes are not a substitute for licensed medical, psychological, or psychiatric care.  Metavision is a viewpoint or way of perceiving.